Narelle and I would like to invite you to follow our trip to the Middle East this March and April. We hope you enjoy the blogs we post as we travel around this beautiful part of the world.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Everyday business - repost

Photos of Iranians going about their everyday business...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Narelle & Kane,
Great travelling images and insights! You two are really getting into some awesome places and perspectives and soaking up the culture and scenery, not to mention much food by the looks. It's a wonder you could squeeze up that minaret after date icecream smoothies and faux beer. Meanwhile, Christian completed the Canberra Marathon today...hope his leg is alright, and Susie is cracking the whip, time trialling us in the pool. Have fun, take care and thanks for sharing your holiday Cheers, Pauline & Dave