Narelle and I would like to invite you to follow our trip to the Middle East this March and April. We hope you enjoy the blogs we post as we travel around this beautiful part of the world.

Friday, 26 April 2013

A afternoon that topped them all...

Our last afternoon in Iran was one of the most special of our trip in this wonderful country. Narelle and I met with my old friend from college in Phoenix, Saeid.

Saeid and his wonderfully polite son Mohammad took Narelle and I out for a beautiful traditional Iranian lunch in a trendy part of Tehran. My favourite Iranian dish, Dizzi was on the menu so each of us ordered this delightful stew.


We talked for a few hours about old times in Phoenix, our Iran trip, what life is like in our respective corners of the world and how each of our lives have panned out over the last 15 years since we last saw each other. Very pleasing to learn was Saeid has done well for himself in Iran and his son is a very smart student and about to sit his university entrance exams. Here is a wonderful photo of our reunion:

The world is indeed small...



Anonymous said...

What a great catch-up moment it must have been and obviously was !!

Gary said...

Nice blog, you rock all about Iran, i hope everyone could visit my country to see the real Iran rather than whet they hear in the news.

Thank you and keep it up