Narelle and I would like to invite you to follow our trip to the Middle East this March and April. We hope you enjoy the blogs we post as we travel around this beautiful part of the world.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

My kinda day...

The majority of today was spent walking around Kerman's main business district which allowed for lots of interaction with the locals. Very few travellers come to this part of Iran so we were constantly greeted with broken hellos and every now and again hand shakes and a hand on the heart. This was one of those guys. he insisted I put this photo on Facebook, remember Facebook is off limits here so it is still unique here!

For hours we walked through lots of bazaars that sold everything u could ever imagine! This was the potato shop.

The guy below was a leather book binder, I have thought this profession went in the 1800s. His work was exquisite.

This young boy and his brother who sold balloons loved having their photo taken. In return we gave them an ice cream each!

The Iran butchery was selling goat, lamb and beef today.

Lunch today: eggplant with whey, chicken kebab, Iranian sticky ice cream and a drink called 'cowslip' (it is herb based but it smelt just like a cow)...yuck!

I hired a tank for the afternoon...

Only kidding...we went to the Iran v Iraq war museum. It was extremely interesting and graphic but yet another example of mankind being so cruel to each other.

A young guy studying to b an English teacher befriended us outside the library this afternoon. It was interesting to listen to his experiences of growing up in Iran.

Better put one photo of Narelle in the 'Hamam-e ganj ali kham' bathhouse. Better to keep the peace otherwise I might need that tank!!

Internet connection is good here so tomorrow I will again post a good few photos.

Location:Kerman, Iran


Anonymous said...

Looks to be a very interesting day - except the lunch!


Shirley said...

I am hoping to go on a backpacking trip by myself, I am a female student. Any suggestions, dos and don'ts? Thank you.