Narelle and I would like to invite you to follow our trip to the Middle East this March and April. We hope you enjoy the blogs we post as we travel around this beautiful part of the world.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Tehran at its best

On a spectacular Tehran day Narelle and I headed out to explore the city. Using the city's awesome Metro we were able to get to a number of the main attractions including: a walk past the former US Embassy, the Goldstom Palace, the National Museum, The Jewel Museum (Narelle's favourite), and the biggest Bazaar I have ever seen.

Couple of interesting photos around the former US Embassy.

The spectacular mirrored entrance to the Palace

A sneaky photo of the cameras allowed in here...oops

Onto the museum where we saw the famous 'Salt Man'. This 3rd century corpse was found in an Iranian salt mine in 1992, most of u will remember this discovery.

Basic tools used in this area dated 2000BC. These items are some of the oldest I have seen.

Men trading US dollars in the square. It's a huge business here!

Lunch time in the bazaar!! Apparently there is 200,000 shops along 216km of alleys in this bazaar. You can buy anything here if you can find the area that sells it. We went in looking for a belt but came out with a bag of lollies, a carrot drink and a cake of soap.



Anonymous said...

WOW ! More photos on Tehran please.
Its history is magnificent!

Did you try Google Maps for a layout of the Bazaar?

The good old US Dollar again! It was the same in East Germany, 40 years ago.


Anonymous said...

Tehran is very beautiful place to go on the other hand tehran is rich with muslim tourists.